jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Metropolitan Way.

Outro fragmento da tesina que fala sobre os desacertos do "Novo Modelo Urbano de Curitiba" de 1966. Esse texto, é sobre a caracterizaçao do espaço metropolitano e do descaso dado ao seu principal elemento estruturador a antiga BR 116, hoje Via Metropolitana, por onde circula a dita Linha Verde - novo eixo de transporte e nova área de desenvolvimento urbano. Saliento a nota de pé de página de minha própria autoria, que refere-se a um uso da rodovia, proposto em 1992 em um trabalho de consultoria que fizemos.

In the year 1953 it had already been given to the communication between Curitiba and Santa Catarina for the layout of the new one highway - BR-116.

The stretch between the Atuba (Intersection of the highways "Estrada da Graciosa" and "Estrada da Ribeira", north end of the city), and the Marechal Floriano Street, with about 11 Km, the nearest to the urban perimeter of Curitiba, was installed dual carriageways with double railroads of service each one, and it was executed during 1956 and 1959.

In the period of 1957 until 1961 the tract was paved between Atuba and São Paulo (89 Km.) and between 1974 and 1978 it was duplicated. Between 1979 and 1981, the tract was duplicated between the Marechal Floriano and Tatuquara (south) that completed the journey in the municipal terms everything with dual carriageways and double service ways, about 35 Km, along the side of the road to São Paulo (something like120 Kms.)

In the seventies, the work of the south contour started the first tract of circumvolution of the city, together with the CIC (Curitiba Industrial City), as structural element and distributor of BR-116, BR-277, BR-101 and BR-376, towards Curitiba.

The BR-116, was the main element of configuration of the metropolitan environment. In the years of its installation, Curitiba lived the moment of the "Agache's Plan" - project of modernist orientation, (although its conception was among the years 1941-43), and where, it didn't conceive this highway.

Already with the Wilheim's Plan the visibility of BR-116 is perceived, as for the definition of its proposal in the "Plan" - with the determination of the creation of a Industrial area in its borders - and it became the main discussion point among the architects of the debate group.

The lack of vision of the incorporation, then, of areas still not urbanised existed in the banks of the distant highway it could not have happened perceived by some, but there those who (reads- Onaldo Pinto de Oliveira 1928-2001), defended, as the axes for the development of the city, were the BR-116 and the Marechal Floriano Av., being denominated inside the group like the "Alternative Plan."

From the beginnings the road had a high occupation in the nearest kilometres to the urbanised area and in the intersections with the main roads of connection of Curitiba with the East side.

In that moment there was still more a tendency of growth toward the East and an attraction of the municipalities to the East of Curitiba - Colombo, Piraquara, São José dos Pinhais and Fazenda Rio Grande (in that moment it was part of the municipality of Mandirituba), besides Campina Grande do Sul, Quatro Barras, non border municipalities with Curitiba.

In some years, they were necessary, interventions in the intersections with several urban roads, with bridges and viaducts, to solve the conflicts of the traffic between these roads and the BR-116, besides the intersections with the other BR's (BR-101, BR-277, BR-376).

Origin and destination's studies in the urban tract in the year of 1987, indicated that 1/3 of the 35 thousand vehicles/day that circulate in the highway, were moving between the South and São Paulo or the other way around, and that 2/3 of the vehicles, entered the metropolitan or inter-municipals, among the neighbourhoods south/north of the city.

[...]The axis generated by BR-116, in the biggest extension in the municipality (approximately 35 Km.) it has today the potential of a communication among regions of the Brazil and among the neighbourhoods of a great city. The potentiality of that axis is fantastic. Still limited in the time to maintain the flow South-São Paulo, one day it will become an Vial Axis Inter-city of the Curitiba Metropolitan Region", with local lines of buses and inter city buses scheduled for defined departure and arrival[...]

The BR-116 was important to the great lineal structural element, of the land in the municipal term, but was rejected and other plans were introduced, generating certain indifference in what it can expect from the urban politicians of the production of the use of the formal land.

The market of lands, (urban land) it determines the form of structuring of the city jointly with the political urban investment, the infrastructure politicians and with the relationship that settles down with the strategies of urban regulation - that is to say, with the urban Legislation, with the environmental Legislation, and with all that comes to interfere in the operation of the market.

There was, in the south, less occupation as it was an area further from the centre and more susceptible the nucleus of the floods, but it was the elected for the installation of the CIC and very near it there would be a refinery of the national company of petroleum (Petrobrás), in the municipality of Araucária, it happens the first informal occupations of land, induced by the road (and the South Contour).

The contrasts are presented among what imagined or it intended in the "Plan" and what was developed in the reality. While one always was clear that the preliminary urban plan of 1965, has left open the door to the definitive format of the design, so that the law of the master plan of 1966, was promulgated, being that, already something proposed then by the recently formed IPPUC.

Still, it is necessary to keep in mind that the objectives of the "Plan", initially proposed, they were maintained in the body of the law of the master plan, that is to say, the lineal growth of a centre served by tangential roads of quick circulation, the hierarchy of the ways' system, the revitalisation of the historical sectors among others and later on the law of the land use of 1975, determined the residential areas, with different conditions, recovery areas, service, industrial, agricultural and special areas.

It was also defined the structural sectors, the preferable areas for pedestrians, the green areas, the preservation of valleys, the park areas and the historical sector.

[1] GHIDINI, R. J. (1992) - Barragem do Iraí - Estudo de Impacto Ambiental - Irai's Dams Environmental Impacts Studies - EIA-RIMA - SANEPAR/PROSAN. Notices: Today, the Metropolitan Axis approved in the new law of urban zoning, of 2004, considers it in a similar way.
[2] ROLNIK, R. (1997) - Cidades sustentáveis: memória do encontro preparatório. In: Conferência sustentabilidade e gestão urbana - São Paulo - Anais ...Secretaria Municipal do Meio Ambiente. Sustainable Cities: memory of prepare encounter. At: Sustainability and urban management.

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